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Cruel mum starved dogs in urine-soaked cages while stuffing herself with takeaways in front of them

 A mum who cruelly starved her two pet dogs while she gorged on ­takeaway food in front of them has been jailed for five months.

Callous Jodi Russell, 28, kept the ­emaciated Staffordshire bull terriers cooped up inside urine-soaked cages in the living room where her four ­children played.

RSPCA officers rescued the pets, but one, called Storm, died within 24 hours.

The other survived, despite being given the lowest possible condition rating by vets.

It has since been found a new home.

The dog that was found

Living hell: Storm was found emaciated in a urine-soaked cage in the living room ( Image: Caters)

Both dogs were found listless and with bones protruding through their fur.

Magistrate Neville Jinks said: “This is one of the worst cases of animal cruelty this court has seen.”

After Russell was locked up – and banned from looking after animals for life – RSPCA spokesman Andy Robbins said: “We deal with truly horrific cases of neglect, but it is always upsetting to see animals in such poor condition as these.

"Anyone can see simply from looking at the sorry images a shocking level of cruelty had taken place.

“We hope the court’s decision means no other animal will suffer at the hands of the defendant in this case.”

Jodi Russell

Survived: Second pet was skin and bone when rescued ( Image: SWNS)

The RSPCA swooped on single mum Russell, of Halesowen, West Mids, after a tip-off about the cruelty.

Prosecutor Nick Sutton told Dudley magistrates’ court: “The inspector saw the dogs in the living room in cages with children running around them.

“Russell pointed out the dark male dog and said he was dead.

"The inspector noticed it was still alive and barely breathing. It was like a skeleton.

"The other dog was in a similar curled-up way and was lifeless.”

Jodi Russell

Dead: Storm so emaciated that he died within 24 hours of being rescued by the RSPCA ( Image: SWNS)

Daryll Foster, defending, said his client was suffering emotionally at the time of the offences following the death of her father and split from her partner.

But Mr Jinks told her: “This is no excuse for letting the two dogs suffer the way they did.”

Russell was due to stand trial in August 2013 on charges of causing unnecessary suffering to the animals but she failed to turn up.

She was convicted in her absence, tracked down last month and locked up.

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