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Why do dogs bring toys to greet you?

Every time I come home, there's a welcoming dog at the door; it's refreshing. Each dog's greeting ritual is unique - some may wag their tails and lick their owners, while others may jump on their owners, whine or bark to greet their owners...

A more exciting greeting is when a dog greets you with his favorite toy in his mouth. You may wonder why your dog likes to give you dog toys when you get home.

The answer can be a bit complicated because dogs have different motives for carrying toys to the door. Here are the three most common reasons.

Your dog wants to play.

Your dog naps at home when you're busy with work or running errands because there's not much to do while you're away. That's why it could be the highlight of his day when you get home.

The excitement can sometimes last all night, or your puppy may start to have energy when you get home.

For some dogs, the excitement can stem from wanting to play with you, especially if you usually play with your dog right after you return.

The dog quickly knows it's time to play when you get home. When your dog brings you toys, it's his way, "Come and play with me!"

Most owners provide their dogs with toys to stimulate their mental and physical well-being.

The toy your puppy chooses to give you is probably the one you usually play with. If you like the greeting, keep playing with him when you get home.

Your dog wants to show off their toys.

Some dogs may show owners their favorite toys but don't necessarily want to play with them at the moment. They will bounce in front of you, seemingly "showing off" their toys, then retreat when you reach for them.

So you might wonder, if they don't want to give up their precious toy, why would they give it to me? So, how do you react to this behavior? He might enjoy the engagement if you start talking to him and give him more attention.

These dogs may already know that their owners give them more attention when they have something in their mouth, and they enjoy undivided attention when showing off their favorite toy.

It could also be that some dogs see it as a way to stay out of the game. Regardless of the dog's motives, it will get what it wants: you interact with it.

Your excited dog needs a distraction.

You can encourage dogs with a lot of excitable behavior, such as barking or biting, to buy a toy to change their hyperactive behavior. Alternatively, you can keep your dog's mouth busy by giving him a toy as soon as you walk in the door.

This is an excellent solution for overstimulated dogs who can't control themselves. Dogs have difficulty barking and biting when they have something in their mouth.

After many repetitions, a dog can learn to get a toy immediately when it hears its owner at the door. Instead of forcing it to sit still, we can give them another outlet to recharge.

So you may have accidentally started this ritual toy, and now your puppy has learned it.

Every dog has a different greeting, from a simple tail wag to greeting a favorite toy. Some happen to be toy bearers!

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